*Jan. 11th: 25th Annual Motorcycle Exhibit*

Upcoming Events at The National Packard Musuem

Stay tuned to our Facebook Page and Website to learn more about our upcoming events! 

June 30th 9-3pm- Classic Vehicle Car Show:

The Packard Museum is on the road! Join us (and our Packards) at the Mahoning Valley Corvettes Classic Vehicles Car Show. There will be plenty of fun for the whole family: 50/50 raffles, gift basket raffles, door prizes and more! Entry fee: $10, spectators are free.

July 27th 9-3pm- Corvettes and Classics Car Show: 

Join us for The National Packard Museum’s Corvettes and Classics Car Show with the Mahoning Valley Corvette Club. This event will also include a presentation: “1949: Packard’s Golden Anniversary Year”. Come visit some old-style cars and learn about the Golden Anniversary Year of the Packard Car Company.

September 14th: "Arsenal of Democracy: Working at Packard During WWII":

Join us to learn about Packard’s contribution to World War II. Presentation by Director of Education, Charles Ohlin.

October 25th: "The Ghosts of Packards Passed":

Come dressed in costume and join our talented troupe of historic reenactors as they rise from the dead and assemble in the museum galleries. Tickets are $25 for adults, and $10 for children 7-12. Price includes light refreshments. 

 November 12th: Annual Membership Meeting